with Josh Motenko, Chris Dodson, Cody Tannen-Barrup, Sasha Klare-Ayvazian – Is your favorite player mo’ Mamba or mo’ Bamba? We all know Kobe’s ‘Mamba Mentality’–killer instinct, ruthless confidence, toughness, grit, relentless hard work. But what about the ‘Mo Bamba’ Mentality? Well, we’re coining the term to be the exact opposite–passive, uncertain, deferential. Josh hosts the panel as we go through the NBA’s top 15 players and decides, are they mo’ Mamba? Or mo’ Bamba?
Mamba Mentality vs. Mo Bamba Mentality
I was the captain of a real college basketball team that lost by 70 points one time.
Former D1 coach turned NBA Podcaster-dad. NBA draft psychic. 2-time world championship game loser as head coach of Team USA in the sport of Unicycle Basketball. Almost famous. @CoachMotenko
MMH was my COVID baby. As a full time musician, I lost all my work in the pandemic and the site became my creative sustenance. Today, I feel so blessed by our amazing team and inspired writing. Beyond MMH, I am the music teacher at Rise Prep in Springfield, MA, a loving husband, and proud father to Fiona.
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